How Was Your Experience With Sex Dolls

sex with sex doll

Trust me. This is probably the most asked question about sex dolls on the internet. With the emergence of realistic sex dolls in the market, most people are eager to introduce a sex dolls into their sex life. Well, if you are one of these people, then you are in the right place.

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We have gone through sex forums and some of the best sex doll communities to answer some of your frequent questions about the sex doll. Stay put to for insight on how it feels to have sex with a doll.

Is Sex With A Sex Doll Any Different

The answer to this will vary based on your sex drive. The truth is that a sex doll gives you that perfect chance to exercise your sexual prowess on what looks like an ideal sex partner.

Today, most sex dolls come in different materials. When you opt for those made of silicone or those with a little bit of heat and lube, you will surely have the best experience ever, something your spouse may not offer you.

You can have sex with a doll in any position, which makes it more satisfying, especially if you want to try some new sex position that your partner is unwilling to. The other good thing about having sex with sex dolls is that you don’t have to worry about the lights, you can just have them on as you do your thing.

Does Having Sex With Dolls Hurt

Having sex with a sex doll does not hurt you in any way as long as you follow the instructions you are given to use them.

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For instance, some sex dolls require that you use a lubricant during sex to reduce friction on your skin. You can adjust your sex doll to any sex position you want. That means you can have sex the way you want whenever you want, and that does not hurt at all.

What Did You Do To Make Better Your Sexual Experience With A Love Doll

If you want to make your experience with a sex doll feel authentic, there are a couple of things you must do. First, you don’t want you to feel like you are screwing a corpse when your sex doll gets cold in bed. Therefore, you can warm it up a bit by covering it with a heated blanket like an hour before having sex.

Secondly, buy some lube and place it on the dolls orifice to warm it up and improve your experience. This lube is readily available in the market.

Lastly, you should take good care of your sex doll by washing it regularly after having sex with it. Just like a real woman, you don’t want the sex doll to smell bad the next time you go to bed.

How Can You Make Your Phobia Towards Sex Dolls Go Away

Pediophobia is a common issue for most people. If you feel uncomfortable having a sex doll around you, it can be challenging to have sex with it.

However, there is a solution to this. You can start by learning more about sex dolls. Learn why it is essential to have one in your bed or how they can help you fight depression and loneliness.

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When you shop for a sex doll, you should go for a realistic sex doll with some perfect smile. This way, you will feel more comfortable having the sex doll around. Additionally, if you are afraid of a doll staring at you, you can still shop for ‘half-body’ dolls, those with no face.

If you have a sex doll around for long, you slowly begin to like it, and Pediophobia fades away over time.

Sex With A Doll Or Human, Which Gives A Better Experience

If you ask this question to those who’ve had sex with a realistic TPE sex doll, they will agree with this; a sex doll gives you some good sex than a real woman. Why? A sex doll makes it easy for you as a man to have repeated blowjobs.

Your partner may not do that because they will need some breaks to breathe. You can also try all sex positions on a sex doll, including anal sex, hat your partners may not be ready to offer. A sex doll is always available for sexual pleasure, making it the best ‘sex partner.’

Final Thoughts

Having sex with a sex doll is intrinsically amazing, and at times it may sound more amazing than having sex with a real woman.

With a sex doll by your side, you can fulfill all your sexual fantasies and avoid complaints or tantrums from your partner on what you can do whenever you have sex.

All you have to do is ensure you buy the right sex doll that meets your preference and ensure you observe safety and hygiene measures when having sex.

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